
Software development done right

Tips, guides, code samples and best practices on software development, DevOps and Cloud architecture. Delivered right into your inbox.


Software development

Tutorials, guieds, tips and best practices for beginners and experienced software developers alike.

Covering topics related to software development and engineering, for beginners and experienced developers alike. Get started with one of the topics listed bellow, or check out entire Programming category.


Application deployment, CI/CD pipelines, observability, security. DevOps topics covered from the perspective of software developer.

Integrating DevOps practices with software development cycle leads to sharp increase in productivity, reliability and speed of development. Checkout DevOps category for relevant posts or start with one of the posts bellow:


Cloud computing

General cloud computing concepts, AWS, alternative cloud providers. Get started with one of the areas listed bellow or check out the entire Cloud Computing category.

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Unlocking the power of functional programming in Java

This tutorial walks you through the most important functional programming concepts and how they are implemented in Java.

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Hosting static site on AWS with S3, Cloudfront, Route 53 and ACM

Hosting static web sites in AWS S3 is cheap and reliable way to deploy a website. Using Cloudfront as CDN dramatically improves performance

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Aspect Oriented Programming in Java with AspectJ

Complete guide to Aspect Oriented Programming in Java with AspectJ. Learn the basics of AOP and see it in action with working code using AspectJ.

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Deploy to Maven Central with Github Actions: Step-by-step guide

Learn how to automate deployment of artifacts to Maven Central repository using Github Actions. Harness the power of automation for improved efficiency.

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