

Software development services

Your software product, developed exactly per your specification, on-time and on-budget. Don’t settle for nothing but highest quality code, implemented by folowing industry leading best practices.

I provide software development services, either individually or as part of your team. Specializing in backend development, REST APIs and microsrevice, I also have extensive experience developing desktop GUI applications.

My area of expertise is Java, and Java-related technologies. Extensive experience with the following:

  • Java 11+, Golang, Kotlin
  • Spring/Spring Boot and related Spring projects (Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring MVC)
  • ORM technologies (Hibernate, JPA)
  • Relational databases and SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle)
  • Swing/Java FX

DevOps services

Automating your software development process is extremely important in modern software engineering. Automation improves speed of development and deployment, forces quality checks and enables reproducible builds and provisioning infrastructure.

My expertise with automation helps customers improve their software development workflow. I have experience with the following:

  • Setting up CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins,, AWS CodeBuild, Github Actions)
  • IaC (Infrastructure as Code), mainly with AWS CloudFormation
  • Static code analysis checks (SonarQube)
  • Automation tools (Ansible)
  • Provisioning and setting up multiple environments
  • Test automation

Cloud architecture and design

Businesses around the world move their applications anf workload to the cloud at an accelerated pace. They are leveraging scalability, elasticity and cost savings offered by cloud providers. Don’t be left behind!

Moving your workloads to the cloud presents a different set of challenged compared to traditional on-premise data centers. As an AWS Certified Cloud Solution architect, I help my clients design and implement cloud architecture that is resilient, scalable and cost-effective.


Big part of software development is finding the right solution for the problem. Often, clients think they need something built, while in reality their problem is better solved with something completely different.

Is your business struggling with a problem that is causing lost revenue, unneeded expenses or consuming too much time? Do you already have a software that you use, but you think it should be improved?

Reach out and schedule a consultation! Consultations cover the following topics:

  • Current business processes and ways to automte them
  • Review of current software development process and how it can be improved
  • Adherence to industry best practices
  • Review of current infrastructure deployment and ways to improve it